The NSTP Diliman Office facilitated the face-to-face Patnubay NSTP Orientation for new NSTP Coordinators, Instructors, and Support Staff at the IE Board room, IEM Building on July 10, 2023 from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Orientations for new and current NSTP personnel are conducted yearly to ensure that the NSTP is properly implemented in UP Diliman.
The Patnubay Orientation session was attended by two (2) new NSTP coordinators, nine (9) instructors, and two (2) support staff. The attendees were given the 2nd edition of the NSTP Operations Manual, the 20 years of NSTP-related documents, and an NSTP Personnel Checklist and Starter Pack document that can serve as their guide from their planning to the implementation phase.
NSTP Diliman Director Dennis Quilala facilitated the orientation and discussed the implementation of NSTP in UP Diliman. He also discussed the “NSTP Implementation Overview”, the “service learning framework”, and the Tatak UPD NSTP Common Module. Senior Project Assistant for Training & Education, Ms. Regina Valerio, explained the NSTP rules about student appeals and gave sample scenarios and solutions.
An audio-visual presentation about the NSTP community projects from the 19 implementing units was played then followed by a testimonial interview video from Asst. Prof. Karl Hapal, former NSTP Coordinator of the College of Social Welfare and Community Development, and Asst. Prof. Josefina Santos, NSTP instructor from the College of Mass Communication and former Deputy Director for NSRC. The testimonial video shares the former personnel’s experiences in conducting NSTP in their colleges, their collaboration with community partners, and the advice they would give to new NSTP personnel.
Asst. Prof. Olivia Sicam gave a presentation about how NSTP is being implemented in the College of Architecture (CoA). Asst. Prof. Sicam introduced their organizational structure and their duties and responsibilities. She then presented CoA’s partner organization and their CWTS 2 class projects.

The orientation was followed by the NSTP Support Staff Meeting where the NSTP Diliman Admin team and the NSTP support staff from different units discussed their duties and responsibilities and administrative concerns.
By: Ma. Regina Valerio