The NSTP Diliman Office held its API Writeshop on OBEdization of NSTP Common Module Topics Syllabi last October 14, 2019 at Hive Hotel, Quezon City. The whole-day workshop was attended by NSTP coordinators and instructors and facilitated by Prof. Rosella Torrecampo from the Office for the Advancement of Teaching and Prof. Arlyn Macapinlac from the NSTP Diliman Office.
Director Macapinlac’s opening remarks reminded the attendees of how the new NSTP module continuously pursues the creation of a more holistic experience for the students through the OBEdized syllabus. She reiterated that the new module wants to ”develop service to the nation through empowerment and participatory leadership” of students.
After her address, Director Macapinlac introduced Prof. Rosella Torrecampo as the workshop’s resource speaker. She also encouraged all the participants to develop learning objectives that target higher order thinking skills such as analysis and application, and highlighted that “Tatak UPD NSTP” aspires to produce UP Diliman students who are nationalistic, visionary, and competent. With this in mind, the OBEdization of the NSTP Common Module was geared towards a student-centric approach anchored on the objectives of the module.
The current Common Module consists of eight (8) Common Module Topics (CMT). First, CMT1 introduces the course through the NSTP Tatak UPD Orientation followed by CMT2 which focuses on Understanding the Self and Others. CMT3 and CMT4 discuss Human Dignity and Human Rights, and Gender and Development/Anti-Sexual Harassment Code (ASH Code), respectively. CMT5 tackles Citizenship Training. Furthermore, Disaster Risk Reduction Management and Basic Life Saving are covered in CMT6a and 6b while Environmental Protection will be taught in CMT7.
The conceptualization of CMT8 is a new addition to NSTP Common Module which intends to cover the topic of Drug Education. In order for the attendees to grasp the nature of this new topic, Dr. Maria Daniela Bantiles, Chief of UP Health Service Public Health Unit and University Health Service Deputy Director, served as a resource person and gave her key insights regarding the intended learning outcomes of CM8. Her points were inspired by the content of the Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002. With the collaborated insights from Dr. Bantiles and the group members, it was determined that the classifications, overall use and effects, and laws surrounding drugs were to be added to the content of the topic in order to develop critically informed and responsible decision-making students. The attendees designed the delivery of the topic to make use of lectures, documentaries, and testimonials as well as a tie up with the ASEAN Training Center for Preventive Drug Education from the College of Education to fully deliver the intended learning outcomes of the module.

The first portion of the workshop was dedicated to the NSTP coordinators and lecturers’ group discussion and assessment of the learning outcomes, core concepts, teaching and learning activities, and output of each module. The groups first made revisions on the existing syllabus for each module then proceeded with reviewing other materials relevant to their topics like module guidebooks. The participants utilized Bloom’s Taxonomy domains and past modules as reference for the integration of learning outcomes. The goal of all activities during the first part of the workshop was to come up with matrices of the intended learning outcomes. The attendees also brainstormed about the addition, retention, or removal of topics that are necessary, relevant, and timely for students. The selected topics were, then, integrated into the revised NSTP matrices to reinforce the best practices of the Tatak UPD NSTP of collaboration, coordination, communication, and planning.
Generally, the NSTP lecturers are enjoined to conduct lectures and discussions as modes of delivery of the content while the students must be able to write reflection papers, produce group projects/outputs, and come up with concept proposals to validate what they learn from the course. On the one hand, the activities invite students to actively participate during discussions and also encourage their creativity and critical-thinking throughout the lessons. On the other hand, the above mentioned activities gauge the student’s attained level of knowledge and learning. The guide questions for group discussions and reflection papers intend to further check student learning and understanding of the topics discussed. Further, the proposed activities want to elicit positive attitude towards volunteerism through the enhanced involvement of the students.
In the latter part of the workshop, the groups consulted with Prof. Torrecampo and Prof. Macapinlac to clarify the learning outcomes of the modules and elicit comments and suggestions for their outputs. Prof. Torrecampo provided each group with valuable and critical insights in developing purposeful modules. Similarly, groups were advised to make minor adjustments on word choices and the use of the active voice to echo the students’ proactive involvement throughout the whole learning process.
The workshop ended with the group presenting their accomplished syllabus matrices. Further comments and suggestions were made by the participants themselves, and most revisions were immediately resolved before the end of the workshop. All matrices were reviewed for general alignment and adherence to the theme of the OBEdized NSTP program. Overall, the workshop was successful in its goal of drafting Common Module Topics Syllabi aligned with the principles of OBE and reflective of the UP’s identity as a public service university.
by Cole Asuncion and Jillian Santos