Last July, the NSTP Diliman Office launched the “SIDHI: Tatak UPD NSTP Common Modules” knowledge products with nine (9) free instructional materials for NSTP implementers and students of the University of the Philippines Diliman, and the wider public.
This lecture videos aim to complement the first batch of NSTP instructional materials on common and component module topics launched in October 2020. Coming from the root word, “sidhi,” meaning “to intensify,” these knowledge products delve deeper and introduce new concepts on the common modules. Based on the recalibrated outcomes-based education-framed Tatak UPD NSTP 1 course, this series features experienced resource speakers from within and outside the University.
This project also aims to support the NSTP implementers and students during this shift to remote and blended learning modes by providing accessible and free NSTP resource materials.
Here’s the overview of the areas covered by SIDHI videos:

Understanding the Self and Others – Dr. Jose Antonio R. Clemente
Under this topic, Dr. Clemente discusses the concept of Sikolohiyang Pilipino and how it relates to one’s role and responsibilities in the community. His lecture video also encourages the NSTP students to reflect and understand the nuances of their relationship with the community as an individual and as part of it, when implementing NSTP projects.

Citizenship Training – Atty. Alexander “Kuya Alex” L. Lacson
Atty. Lacson, author of bestselling patriotic books, a poet, a lawyer, and a civil society leader, gives some tips and discusses how doing simple things can help us promote citizenry, as people of our country, and as NSTP students.

Human Dignity and Human Rights – Atty. Francis Tom F. Temprosa
Dir. Temprosa of Commission on Human Rights (CHR), discusses the Human Rights Approach and how it can be best applied when engaging with the community, especially during NSTP project implementation.

Gender and Development – Ms. Kristel May Gomez-Magdaraog
Building on the introduction and orientation of SOGIESC, laws and mandates on gender development, Ms. Gomez-Magdaraog now focuses her discussion on how to best integrate and practice Engendering NSTP implementation, especially during community engagements.

Environmental Protection – Mr. Rodne R. Galicha
Mr. Galicha, national convenor for Aksyon Klima Philippines and currently leading the Living Laudato Si Philippines movement, presents his insights regarding Climate Justice and how NSTP students, and NSTP as a whole, can help promote and advocate for the betterment of the environment.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management – Dr. Likha G. Minimo
Through her learnings and experiences, Dr. Minimo discusses the importance of the Roles of the LGUs in DRRM, and how NSTP students and NSRC reservists can contribute to it.

Basic Life Saving – Asst. Prof. Ruth Edisel Rylle Sadian-Cercado
Asst. Prof. Sadian-Cercado gives an introductory lecture on Psychological First-Aid (PFA) and presents her insights on how NSTP students and implementers can use this when engaging with the community, or by NSRC responders during emergencies.

Drug Education – Asst. Prof. Francis Grace Duka-Pante
Building up on the introductory video for drug education on October 2020, Dir. Duka-Pante now discusses how to best promote Drug Prevention in the community, especially as an NSTP student.

Special Module: Cultural Sensitivity in Community Engagement – Asst. Prof. Monica Fides Amada W. Santos
In this special module on cultural sensitivity in community engagement, Asst. Prof. Santos discusses what Reflexivity is and how it can be utilized in service learning or when engaging with the community, especially in NSTP community engagement projects.

All lecture videos include topic-related suggested class activities and projects that can be implemented under NSTP.
These knowledge products are produced by the Office, under the directorship of Asst. Prof. Dennis Quilala, to augment the existing materials used for the implementation of NSTP this 1st semester of AY 2022-2023.
You can access the lecture video series here: https://bit.ly/NSTPUPDSIDHI.
By Carina Merin