The UP System NSTP Council has been formally institutionalized through Administrative Order No. PDLC 22-42 signed on May 13, 2022.
Under the Office of the Vice-President of Academic Affairs, the council holds the primary responsibility in supervising the implementation of the NSTP Law (Republic Act No. 9163) and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) in the UP System. In addition, the Council shall also recommend, promote, and coordinate System-wide public service initiatives to mobilize NSTP students, handlers, and teachers in the university.
The Council is expected to hold regular meetings to determine shared NSTP directions and initiatives and resolve issues in implementing the NSTP Law common to the UP Constituent Universities (CUs).

Dagyaw: Developing the NSTP UP System Implementation
Dagyaw recommended the constitution of the UP System NSTP Council, its roles and responsibilities to the Office of the President. Dagyaw is an informal group of NSTP directors/coordinators of the different CUs. Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Richard Philip A. Gonzalo supported the initiative.
The current members of Dagyaw are Asst. Prof. Jose Mathew Luga (UP Baguio), NSTP Director Dennis F. Quilala (NSTP Diliman Office), NSTP Director and Assistant to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Roselle V. Collado (UP Los Baños), NSTP Director Astrid Korina G. Gianan (UP Manila), OIC Office of Extension and Community Services Cleto L. Nanola (UP Mindanao), Department of Human Kinetics Chair Erwin E. Protacio (UP Mindanao) Mr. Neil Ebate (UP Mindanao), NSTP Coordinator Rhonna Marie R. Vereña (UP Open University), Asst. Prof. Marie-Sol Hidalgo (UP Open University), Ms. Louanne Mae Calipayan (UP Open University), NSTP Director Nathaniel G. Samson (UP Visayas).
The NSTP Diliman Office serves as the secretariat of Dagyaw with Dr. Likha Minimo (Deputy Director), Ms. Maritess Bingco (Administrative Officer), Ms. Paula Adriano (Junior Office Associate), Ms. Carina Merin (Senior Research Associate for Research and Development), Ms. Regina Valerio (Senior Project Assistant for Training and Education), Ms. Anne Languayan (Senior Project Associate for NSRC), and Mr. Anthony Bagano Jr (Senior Project Assistant for Project Management).
Former members of Dagyaw include Asst. Prof. Shekinah Dorelle P. Queri (UP Baguio) and Asst. Prof. Darius N. Salaum (UP Visayas).
Dagyaw is a Hiligaynon term meaning “bayanihan”. The CUs gathering can be seen as a form of bayanihan with a common goal of improving NSTP implementation in the UP System.
In 2021, the different NSTP directors, coordinators, and representatives of all CUs discussed and shared the state of NSTP in each respective CU via Zoom. Some key issues were identified in these meetings.
First, newly appointed directors, coordinators, and representative were challenged with the administrative and implementation aspects of NSTP given limited or zero guidance.
Second, some CUs (UP Baguio, UP Cebu, and UP Mindanao, and UP Open University) had no dedicated NSTP offices and administrative staff. Also, it was observed that the National Service Corps (NSRC) is absent in some CUs.
As the UP System Council is established, these concerns would be addressed and will give more assistance in the various needs of the CUs in relation to NSTP.

NSTP Online: Dagyaw’s First Collaboration Project
The NSTP Online marked the first project of Dagyaw despite being an informal group. NSTP Online: ROTC, CWTS, and LTS in a Remote Learning Setup is a four-part webinar series that aimed to support NSTP teachers as they implement the program during the pandemic. Experts coming from the CUs shared the transforming and adaptive practices they used to meet the goals of the program in a remote setting.
The table below shows the number of registrants, attendees, and engagements in NSTP Diliman’s Facebook page.
Webinar | Registrants | Attendees | Youtube Viewers | Evaluation | NSTP FB Engagements |
ROTC | 314 | 203 | 1,026 | 86 | 38,605 |
CWTS Part 1 | 184 | 127 | 346 | 124 | 2,484 |
CWTS Part 2 | 177 | 128 | 283 | 136 | 1,400 |
LTS | 122 | 83 | 261 | 102 | 1,258 |
More projects and initiatives will bloom from the establishment of the new UP System NSTP Council.
By Anthony Bagano Jr.