The NSTP Diliman Office with the assistance of the Campus Maintenance Office (CMO) launched a tree planting activity on the grounds of the UP Diliman College of Mass Communication on June 6, 2022.
CMO Director Perlita Raña designated the tree planting site and provided the guidelines for tree planting in UP Diliman. Ms. Olivia B. Indaya, Landscaping Supervisor, supervised the session on-site.
Memorandum No. CAS-12-038 states that the seedlings to be planted must be endemic and indigenous species to firmly discontinue the use of exotic species. Exotic species are invasive that disrupt and harm the existing ecosystem. Narra seedlings were planted in compliance with the memorandum and were procured from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources National Capital Region (DENR-NCR).
The tree planting initiative is part of the NSTP Diliman Office’s Luntian at Pula (LuPA) advocacy, a project encouraging people especially NSTP students to take action in protecting and conserving our environment. LuPA is geared towards transcending from tree-planting activities to promote environmental awareness and embark on environment-friendly practices that people can embrace as part of their lives.
LuPA is guided by the NSTP Common Module on Environmental Protection and RA 10176 or the “Arbor Day Act of 2012”. Under this law, all able-bodied citizens of the Philippines who are at least 12 years of age are required to plant one (1) tree every year.
By Anthony Bagano Jr.